Pistol Steel Match
April 26 @ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Monthly Steel Challenge
Compass Steel Challenge Match Rules
- Registration opens at 9:00 AM, the day of the event, and closes at 10:00 AM.
- Shooting continues until all registered entries have completed their stages.
- $20 per shooter
- 1 gun maximum
- If a second gun is to be used an extra charge is required.
Four Rules of Firearm Safety: These are paramount and strictly enforced.
- Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.
- Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire.
- Always be sure of your target and what is beyond it.
- Cold Ranges: Ranges are always “cold” ranges. This means all firearms must be unloaded and stored in a case or holster with the slide locked back.
- Ammunition Handling: Ammunition can only be handled at the firing line or in designated safety zones.
Match Structure:
- Stages of Fire: Matches consist of 3 stages with various targets, distances and sizes.
- Each stage has a specific course of fire that competitors must follow.
- Stages consist of five or more steel plates or paper targets set at varying distances.
- Shooting positions:
- You start from a standing position at the firing line.
- The targets are engaged in a controlled sequence, with a minimum of three strings fired.
- The shooter starts with their firearm in a ready position, which means the gun is held in a low ready or high ready position.
- There is no moving or running between positions like in other practical shooting competitions.
- Distances are usually between 10 to 25 yards.
- The focus is on “Hits” + “Time”.
- A miss adds 10 seconds.
- You can start with a Barney round.
- Eye protection, hearing protection, at least 3 magazines that can hold ten rounds each
Divisions: Optics and Stock.
Firearms: Any pistol caliber pistol, .223 is not a pistol caliber.
- Targets are scored based on hits and time. Penalties are applied for missed shots or rule violations.
- Competitors register on-site at the range office.
Safety Briefings:
- Mandatory safety briefings are conducted before the start of each match.
Additional Considerations:
- Safety is the top priority. Follow all instructions from range officers and always be aware of your surroundings.
Range officers (ROs) follow specific commands to ensure safety and consistency for all shooters. Here’s a breakdown of the typical commands you might hear during a match:
Shooting Commands
- Shooter “Make Ready”
- Command signals the start of the shooter’s preparation.
- The shooter unbags their firearm and loads it.
- After loading, the shooter assumes the low ready position (firearm pointed downrange but lowered).
- “Are You Ready?”
- This is the final check to ensure the shooter is prepared.
- “Stand By”
- This indicates the stage is about to begin.
- A short moment later, the timer will beep, signaling the shooter to start engaging targets.
- “If You Are Finished, Unload and Show Clear”
- When the shooter completes the stage, this command is given to signal that they should unload the firearm.
- The shooter should remove the magazine, lock the slide to the rear, and present the empty chamber to the Range Officer for inspection.
- “If Clear, Slide Forward, Pull the Trigger”
- After verifying that the firearm is clear, the RO instructs the shooter to release the slide and pull the trigger (with the gun pointed downrange) to ensure the chamber is empty.
- “Re-Bag”
- Once the firearm is clear and the trigger has been pulled, the shooter is instructed to safely re-bag their firearm.
- “Range is Clear”
- This command is issued once the stage is complete, and the shooter has re-bagged their firearm.
- It signals to everyone that it’s safe to approach the targets for scoring or resetting.
Additional Commands:
- “Finger”
- This command is used to remind the shooter to keep their finger off the trigger when not actively engaging targets.
- Safety is the priority, and this command ensures proper trigger discipline.
- “Muzzle”
- This command is issued if the shooter’s muzzle begins to point in an unsafe direction.
- It’s a safety warning to ensure that the firearm stays pointed downrange at all times.
- “Stop”
- If there’s any safety concern or a malfunction, the Range Officer may issue this command to immediately halt the shooter.
- “Cease Fire”
This is a universal safety command used if there’s an unsafe situation on the range, requiring all shooters to stop firing immediately.